Life is hard. People struggle every day. Some people have money woes. Others have trouble making friends. Several people have a hard time understanding faith. A few have rough family and life backgrounds. Many have no food, no water, and nowhere to live. Hard. Struggle. Woe. Trouble. Hard. Rough. Nowhere. Pain. Suffering. Life...and death.
I emphasize death. Last year, a girl from my old high school died. I didn't know the girl, but it tore me apart. My friends were so hurt and lost. I was lost because I didn't know how to help them. A few weeks ago I thought my old high school was going to lose another student. Thankfully, he survived the car wreck, but is still in the hospital with broken ribs, a punctured lung, and several more injuries. Unfortunately one of his friends in the car didn't make it and the other may have heart damage. Today, I found out the school did lose another student who had a 4-wheeling accident.
My heart goes out to those who were lost and those who are involved and know the students who passed away. However, I want those who are living to step back and think about the things you still have. Do you still have a home? Do you have food and water? Do you have at least one friend or family member who loves you and wants to take care of you? Maybe you don't have all of these, but I have a feeling that if you have internet access and can read this, you probably have one. Think about the blessings God has given you. I know that is hard to do in times of mourning, but I really believe in time it will show you the brighter sides of life and make grief and pain a little easier to bear.
Praying for Clint Diven and Trent Hunter (and their families).
Praying for the family and friends of Miranda Goodhew, James Powell, and Greg Davis.
Praying for Henry and Oldham County High School students and faculty members.
Praying for all others who have lost a loved one.
Praying for all who are facing the hard sides of life.